Investigative Realities: Working Effectively With Forensic Firms (Part Two of Two)

Lawyers and forensic investigators must work together when investigating breaches, but the differences in their outlook and approach can sometimes make that difficult. In a two-part guest article series, Stephen Surdu, a senior advisor at Covington, and Jennifer Martin, of counsel at Covington, provide insight into how forensic teams work during the investigative process and how to make the process smoother and more effective. This second part addresses how to work with forensic teams when documenting and otherwise communicating findings, and during the remediation process. The first installment addressed investigative realities and how attorneys and forensic investigators can gain an understanding of each other’s perspectives and preemptively discuss any potential issues to be in the best position to address them efficiently during an investigation. See also our three-part series on forensic firms: “Understanding and Leveraging Their Expertise From the Start” (Feb. 22, 2017); “Key Contract Considerations and Terms” (Mar. 8, 2017); and “Effective Vetting and Collaboration” (Mar. 22, 2017).

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